Why filtration for households?

Many people are (still) unfamiliar with filtering water. This is mainly because many people "think" that it is not necessary to filter water in the Netherlands. This is because the media does not talk about the very poor water quality. Because of this, people have the perception that Dutch water is 'among the best in the world'. However, the question is; from which facts does this prove exactly? 

With the current (outdated) installations it is no longer possible to filter all the chemicals that end up in the water. A worldwide study shows that 72% of the world's drinking water is contaminated with all kinds of chemicals.


Tap water contains many substances that end up in our drinking water due to human activity. These substances are discharged into drinking water not only in the Netherlands, but throughout Europe. Many European rivers eventually flow into the Netherlands, making the Netherlands the drain of Europe. The derogations are applied for threshold pollutants that exceed the standard, such as for: bacteria, viruses, parasites, pesticides (a.o. glyphosate), PFAS, GenX, microplastics, fertilizers, fluoride, hormones, heavy metals (mercury, lead, copper, aluminum) drug and drug residues, nitrates, atrazine desethyl, chlortoluron, metolachlor, bentazone, chlortoluron, simazine hydroxy, terbutylazin, twik, napropamide. antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, beta-blockers, cancer drugs, contraceptives and antidepressants. Over time, these substances turn out to make them more dangerous to our health than thought.

>> read more


For the first time, the extent to which Europe is polluted by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a family of toxic compounds used in a wide range of products and applications, has been mapped. Thanks to an unprecedented aggregation of data, the Forever Pollution Map provides insight into the "hotspots" and previously unknown locations of production, use and contamination by the "forever chemicals. On the map below, you can see PFAS pollution by country:

PFAS kaart
PFAS are used in lubricants, food packaging, non-stick coatings, firefighting foams, waterproof textiles and cosmetics, among others. PFAS are also known as "forever chemicals. This is because they enter the environment and do not degrade there. PFAS are related to cancer and other physical diseases.


You may now be thinking "But I drink healthy mineral water?" In particular, water in plastic bottles contains very high levels of microplastic: some 94 to 325 pieces per liter (this is a bank card per week!). This is because bottled water is additionally contaminated with pieces of plastic from the bottle itself or from the cap. Despite was another big scandal from a CocaCola water brand: they just use tap water and sell it as "mineral water. Nothing is what it seems...

>> read article The Guardian


Despite governments knowing for many years about the poisoning of their populations due to very poor water quality, nothing has changed. Fortunately, you do not have to depend on the government. You can take matters into your own hands and filter your tap water inexpensively and easily yourself. After all, good health starts first and foremost with drinking pure water!


In 1748, the first form of reverse osmosis was discovered. Between 1871 and 1877, the first synthetic membrane was manufactured. In 1920, a third type of membrane consisting of polymers was developed. So the technique is very old. Did you know that all military ships, as well as major international shipping, have reverse osmosis systems? They turn salt water into fresh water through this system.


Reverse osmosis or RO is a filtration method used to remove ions and molecules from a solution by applying pressure to the solution on one side of a semipermeable or selective membrane. Large molecules (solutes) cannot cross the membrane, so they remain on one side. Water (solvent), however, can cross the membrane. The result is that dissolved molecules become more concentrated on one side of the membrane, while the other side becomes thinner.

In reverse osmosis, one uses a membrane that is 0.0001 microns in size and thus 95-99% of all substances are filtered out among others:
+ Most dissolved solids (mineral salts), such as barium, calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron fluoride, magnesium, manganese, nitrates, salt, sulfates, zinc, etc.
+ Drug residues and hormones
+ Most heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and silver.
+ Most radioactive elements and their isotopes such as radium and strontium


Ultra filtration is similar in technique to reverse osmosis. The difference is in the pore size of the membrane, which at UF is 0.01 microns. With this, ± 80-90% (depending on the contamination) can be filtered a.o.
+ Substances such as sediment, asbestos and suspected organic substances.
+ Almost all microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.
+ Almost all carbon compounds.
+ Most heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and silver.
+ Almost all molecules with a molecular weight greater than 300 such as pesticides
+ The advantage of UF is that it does retain the minerals in the water.


We sell water filtration systems based on RO and UF. We list the pros and cons:

- RO is the best filtration method
- RO systems are more expensive than UF systems
- UF systems are (self) easy to install, RO systems require professional installation (e.g. plumber)
- UF systems are easier to maintain (replace filters)
- Filters of UF systems last 2-5x longer (thus cheaper to maintain)
- RO systems require high water pressure (often need a pump & tank), UF systems work on low water pressure (work e.g. in a caravan, camper or boat)
- UF systems are more compact than RO systems (require less space in kitchen cabinet)

So there are advantages and disadvantages to each system. Choose reverse osmosis for the best filtration and ultra filtration for the most economical. We often advise to start with a UF system, with this you already achieve a result of 80-90% and that is much better than your current situation.